
When do I need to see my Physiotherapist?

Everybody has accidents sometimes, and everybody gets pain, but how do we know when the problem is serious enough to see somebody about? In an ideal world, we’d all see a doctor or physio for every little niggle and issue to get it checked to make sure it’s nothing too serious. Unfortunately for most of us this isn’t quite possible, so it’s good to have an idea of when a problem warrants taking the time to get it looked at. Here are some helpful hints to help distinguish what needs to be looked at by a professional, and what can be managed with a simple period of rest.

1.       It was a traumatic injury.

In an injury was particularly traumatic, this can be indicative of the possibility that damage has occurred at the structures where the trauma took place. For example, if your knee is a bit sore after a long run, that can be normal, but if you twisted it sharply and it is painful, that can be indicative of damage to the joint. It’s always a good idea to get it looked at to make sure it can be managed appropriately.

2.       It is very painful and/or is very swollen.

Pain and swelling are two of the body’s natural responses to tissue damage. Therefore, if there is more pain and swelling, this usually means that there is more damage. So if you roll your ankle and the next day it looks like a big red balloon, it’s probably a good idea to have somebody take a look at it!

3.       You’re struggling with your day to day activities.

Regardless of what happened, if your injury is stopping you from walking, or living your normal life it’s worth being treated. Everyone should be able to go about their usual day in an effective manner, so if you can’t a physiotherapist may be able to help you get back to normal faster.

4.       It isn’t getting better by itself after a couple of days.

A lot of injuries and pain will settle down by themselves with rest and time, but if it doesn’t it could be indicative that there is an issue beneath the surface. In this case, getting checked by a physiotherapist is always a good idea so they can help get you on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.

5.       You want to get back to a high-level activity like sport.

High-level activities, such as sport, put a high amount of stress on the body. For a normal body this is no issue, but for a body part that may be damaged it is a bit riskier. Even if you’ve just given a muscle or a joint a slight strain or strain, putting large amounts of force through it can lead to reinjury if proper precautions aren’t taken. Seeing a physiotherapist before going back to sport can ensure you have the proper treatment and guidance to avoid a more significant injury.



So, if any of these situations sound like they might apply to you, book an appointment with your physiotherapist so they can help you get on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.

Until next time,


How to book an appointment?